
  • After an alien spacecraft destroys Washington, D.C., the residents of a small town must fight off a unit of alien soldiers on the hunt for the President of the United States and the mysterious device
  • 努力于光学神经芯片项目的国防部初级研讨方案局研讨员艾玛曾是一名优秀的飞行员,但由于早年间的一次坠机事情招致她顺从进入驾驶舱,但同时也激起她设计应用思想操纵飞机的灵感当她和四位因伤残退役的飞行员同事对他们的科研项目停止飞行实验时,发现飞机模型与一头不明生物在空中缠斗。与此同时,艾玛的父亲本在天文台发现三个陨石坠落到地球,依据陨石碎片的成分剖析,不明生物是来源于火星的拉尔加。此时,三个陨石坠落点的上空
  • Passengers and crew on a flight are attacked by unseen forces that threaten all aboard.
  • A D-Day rescue mission turns ugly when a band of Allied soldiers battle with horrific experiments created by the Nazis.