
  • 当你手上只要一张好牌,你敢不敢连你的人生一同梭哈?艾莉西亚的父亲是德州扑克的高手,她从小潜移默化学会父亲精深的牌技,但是一场不测使她父亲身亡,她也从此发誓不再碰扑克牌之后艾莉西亚顺利考取医学院,但所需的庞大学费却超乎她所能担负,她只好到赌场找寻运气,却不测成为大赢家,艾莉西亚从此欲罢不能,夜夜进出赌场,甚至游说医学系同窗,集资参与德州扑克大赛,但随着台面上的赌金越来越高,艾莉西亚与同伴堕入严重争持
  • For some, the Western trail was a destination for oppurtunity and adventure. For others, it was the centerpiece for danger and despair. When ex-lawman Preston Biggs is hired to escort a group of women
  • PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Someth
  • When terrorists plant a bomb on a commercial flight, the passengers aboard the plane must fight to keep the plane in the air and all the passengers alive: the bomb is rigged to detonate whenever the p
  • 一个夏令营的主管突然受伤,于是参与夏令营的少年们自动承当起维持和掌管夏令营日常活动的职责。
  • 一个男人回到了家,在此之前他从来没有在这个时间回家。光线从一个新奇的角度照在他的身上,周围只有电冰箱嗡嗡作响的声音。 一个男人回到了家,在此之前他从来没有在这个时间回家。有那么一会,他甚至觉得他走进了陌生人的房子。在中午的这个时间,一切都是那么寂静而消沉无声。 一个男人突然间回到了家,看到了他以往忽视的以及神话般的事物。光线从室外照射进来,灰尘在当空无尽地飞舞。妻子在床上安静地睡着,那本盖在她
  • A D-Day rescue mission turns ugly when a band of Allied soldiers battle with horrific experiments created by the Nazis.