
  • Journalism icon Gay Talese reports on Gerald Foos, the Colorado motel who allegedly secretly watched his guests with the aid of specially designed ceiling vents, peering down from an "observation
  • PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Someth
  • Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social m
  • Jeff Goldblum gets acquainted with man's best friend and uncovers our obsession with DOGS.
  • 故事讲述一名精明无能的FBI特工Audrey Parker (Emily Rose 扮演)因执行公差分开缅因州(美国西南角的州)一所名为“Haven”的小镇上,分开小镇不久自己惊奇发现这个小镇被一种微妙的力气维护着使得这里人们把这里当成避难所并且他们也遭到一种超自然力气的影响,当又惊奇的发现外地的市民用一种相似睡眠的才干来传递信息后,Audrey末尾调查此事并发现一些关于“Haven”小镇地惊人秘
  • 安娜·帕奎因主演新剧《公关危机》(Flack)发布首款预告,第一视角有点意思设定在竞争剧烈的名人公关世界里,美国危机公关战略师罗宾寓居在伦敦,是这一行业的专家,她的任务节拍很快,为行为不端的知名人士提供咨询,但一触及到自身生活,罗宾就会成为一个自我破坏者。该剧由Oliver Lansley(《名厨怀特》)打造,帕奎因和丈夫史蒂芬·莫耶担任执行制造人,彼得·卡坦纽(《光猪六胆小鬼》《烦恼的牧师》)执
  • Ned (Lee Pace )开了家派店,经过接触死尸,使他的聪明有了用武之地但是他的聪明才智却害得他与他人越发疏远,正如女效力员Olive Snook 所发现的当公家侦探Emerson Cod 发现他的秘密后,他的生活就变得越发复杂、难以捉摸了。Emerson 压服一毛不拔的Ned 帮他从死人口里套出杀死他们的凶手的名字以破谋杀案。 接着,Ned 接手处置一个永远改动他生活的案子。他童年的梦中情
  • Creepy, terrifying chapters from our book of horror include a little girl's journey from a world of nightmares into the nightmare of reality, a gay couple's romantic getaway in Palm Springs that turns
  • 《绯闻女孩》男主Chuck的饰演者爱德·维斯特维克主演了另一部ABC的新剧《罪恶之城》,不同于克劳福,爱德·维斯特维克将其坏小子的笼统归结终究,不只如此,还将这种花心男的笼统展开成为一位浪荡变态连环杀手不停的约会,不停有女性被杀,警察出动,却与维斯特维克擦肩而过,在满是毒品、愿望的大都市,一个帅气的连环杀手如何在搜索猎物与规避警察搜索间找到存生之法是本剧一大看点