
  • After her husband is devastated by a tragic accident, a devoted wife obsesses over a mysterious portrait that resembles him as he was; but when it starts to terrorize her, she must decide if it's poss
  • 暂无简介
  •  Former special-forces soldier John Gold is given the opportunity to bring Sean Teague - the man who betrayed his team on their final mission in Eastern Europe several years ago - to justice. Gold wou
  • In 1942 Norway, Esther (Sarah-Sofi e Boussnina), a 14-year-old Jewish girl has her world torn apart when the Nazis unleash their reign of terror on her small town, forcing her parents to hide her on a
  •   特雷弗是一個有邊緣人格的反社會人士,他舉辦地下研討會,實際上是教授年輕女子控制女性的方法 跟了他三年的學員哈里森某天發現他只是特雷佛設計的這場遊戲的一顆棋子,他要如何粉饰特雷佛的遊戲?
  • 影片将聚焦发作在拉斯维加斯和巴黎的性心思黑色爱情男主角(珊农饰)对爱情的迷恋,对性的盼望,渐渐演化成一系列背叛和复仇的纠葛,直至心灵最终失掉救赎。
  • Follows a tutor who, after being assigned an unexpected task at a mansion, finds himself struggling with the obsessions of his student, who threatens to expose his darkest secrets.
  • 自从母亲仰望星空发疯自杀的那次不测之后,安吉菈的行为与肉体外形就时常出现效果,像颗不定时炸弹随时可以爆炸父亲为了女儿们的平安著想,让姊姊贝卡及年幼的妹妹克洛伊,也都陪她一同休学在家疗养只是近日安吉菈发现,姊姊贝卡末尾出现种种不寻常的行为....
  • In this modern creature feature, a scary internet meme called "Grimcutty" stirs up panic amongst all the parents in town, convinced it's making their kids harm themselves and others. Whe
  • 被称为“疯狂船长”的老隐士脾气乖僻,每天骑着自行车采花,眺望大海,扫墓,看似正常的生活却流显露难以令人接受的气质,即使是他自己的女儿也无法与他很好的沟通他拒绝一切人的协助,坚持独自寓居。面对镇上淘气捣蛋的“恶霸”,他十分看不惯,这也使得他赞同协助一名年轻的孤儿不被外地恶霸欺负,但条件是孤儿要协助船长建造一艘船。这不可思议的关系让两人维系在一同。最后他