
  • Emmett's new venture yields big results for his bottom line but strains his personal life. Kiesha and Jake chart exciting new career paths. Victor awaits www.yuankan.cc the election results. Kevin's f
  • Mothers, nurses, soldiers and deportees - these women fought against persecution for freedom and survival amid the turbulence of World war II.
  • Following a very public fall from grace, country music star Faith Winters seeks refuge in her rural Texas hometown, where she rediscovers feelings for her high school sweetheart, the local pastor. But
  • In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.   Investigative journalist Rae de Leon ha
  • 17岁的高中女生格雷塔(希拉里·达芙 Hilary Duff 饰)拥有一个破碎的家庭,早年离异的母亲如今有了新的丈夫,而为了讨好这来之不易的靠山,母亲关于格雷塔的埋怨和不满可谓是听而不闻不幸福的生活让格雷塔想到了自杀,在她被母亲送到位于新泽西的外祖母家后,她的死亡方案提上了日程,一份记载了死前必需完成的事的清单也应运而生 在和小气赴死的路途上,格雷塔邂逅了不期而至的爱情,心爱情的力气缺乏以拯救一个
  • 這部扣人心弦的紀錄片,記敘2012 年發生在俄亥俄州斯托本維爾的強暴案 
  • ANORA的丈夫经常优待她 孩子还也对她不好 她住在郊区 寂寞孤独 直到有一天 来了一个新邻居 IMOGENE卖给咖啡肤色的女人化装品 惋惜周围的人都不喜欢 当然这不阻碍这两个女人成为冤家 或许不止冤家 有一天ANORA的丈夫发现了她们 争论中ANORA错手杀死了他 于是她们把孩子藏到化装品销售车里 把尸体装进车尾 驱车埋尸
  • 吉妮是一个充溢创意又软弱的人,吉妮谋划过十分多的惊喜,每个惊喜都会让客户满意她的创意是她们公司让客户惊喜的源泉吉妮的内心软弱盼望爱和她小时分的阅历有关...