
  • Sean及Bilie为侦查一名警员之死,混入一夜总会当卧底,揭露一连串的谋杀及贪污身为空手道高手的Bilie不惜孤身犯险,手无寸铁单挑黑帮……
  • 在发现她的室友在微妙的状况下死亡后,一名年轻女子在她的公寓里闹鬼。
  • 强尼是波士顿着名的私家侦探,某次渡假到洛杉矶探视其哥哥,不料强盗竟悍然闯入将其哥哥和大嫂杀死,为了拘捕凶手他做了地毯式的侦探,并失掉街头青少年的鼎力协助,最后发现了绑匪集团的巢穴
  • Shuffle is the tale of a man who begins experiencing his life out of order; every day he wakes up at a different age, on a different day of his life, never knowing where or when he’s going to be
  • After the discovery of a brothel in Pompeii, leading experts believe prostitution and sexual slavery was widespread throughout the region, which led to the reinforcement of classes and power amongst t
  • 凯文韦特(Jeff Wincott 饰)是禁毒专员,正着手捣破一宗由俄罗斯立功头目谋划的百万毒品买卖,他与家人晚餐时对弟弟杰克提起这个举动。杰克却是个贪污警员,他运用得来的资料,亲身参与这宗毒品买卖。后来杰克的方案失败,他就把心一横,抢劫买家的钜款;但是凯文及时出现救他一命。枪战之际,两兄弟决议暂时放下公家恩怨,先处置那些买家。
  • When a medieval monk unexpectedly dies in a horrific way, the Church sends Mateho the Inquisitor, a rational man of science, to investigate the alleged "witch". When Mateho himself becomes i
  • 十岁的保罗胆子很小,比同龄的孩子惧怕很多。对保罗呵护倍至的妈妈,莫娜,以为保罗被由于惊吓过度,于是将他送到心思医生处治疗。但似乎不只仅是保罗出现了效果,保罗的妹妹妮尔也出现了一些异常。当莫娜建议中止一次家庭治疗时,保罗的义务狂父亲乔森决议全家到苏格兰中世纪城堡走一趟。在后来的惊慌之后,保罗与新颖的幽灵成为了要好的冤家。传说中的西蒙先生杀死了他的爱人弗洛拉,因此他的灵魂注定要永远游荡在这可怕的城堡当
  • Follows professional stuntman Eddie Braun as he prepares and attempts the most dangerous stunt in ci...