
  • 在18世纪的英国,外地人置信沼泽幽灵。皇帝派遣皇家海军上校科利尔和他的船员,调查一个沿海城市合法走私的
  • 在一家巴西诊所里,做医生的爸爸约钦发现自己的女儿莎拉染上极度痛苦的病症。爸爸去找出缘由,但没有任何线索。他决议追踪事情的缘由,居然发现女儿被秘密遣送回法国。更可怕的是,事情的真相将会完全地破坏他的生活...
  • Dallas Campbell reveals why we can only understand the familiar world around us by discovering the hidden wonders beneath our feet.
  • A director's dream job quickly descends into a nightmare when he is forced to film a real-life murder.
  • When a girls friend is killed by a college hazing, she is the only one who can find out the truth.
  • After going broke, Gwen Stevens is forced to return to her abandoned childhood home hoping to pick up the pieces of her life. Among the relics and memories of her past, she discovers someone is living
  • Where did we come from? What makes us human? An explosion of recent discoveries sheds light on these questions, and NOVA's comprehensive, three-part special, "Becoming Human," examines what the latest
  • A selfish filmmaker fails at creating the cutting edge freedom of speech documentary he had envisioned and inadvertently unleashes holy hell from a 500 pound comedian on the verge of a nervous breakdo
  • An outlaw kills a marshal and steals his identity; a Pinkerton pursues him across the open country.
  • 碧莉爱上了好友萝拉的男友,却没有勇气坦率,闷热湿润的夏日里,少男少女们的隐秘爱情正在渐渐发酵……澳大利亚导演里斯·格拉哈姆自编自导作品,以共同的美学视角拍出了一部弥漫着荷尔蒙的青春片镜头下的男女主角似乎伊甸园中的天使普通,被梦境般的光晕所掩盖,完美诠释出青春期的迷离气息两位女主演艾什莉·康宁斯和莉莉·沙利文的姣好容貌与充溢张力的对手戏,更让影片在主线之外增添了一抹别样情愫。本片曾入围2014年柏林