
  • When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degen
  • When a greedy Las Vegas casino owner threatens to lay off and take away pensions from his low-end staff of janitors, florists, and repairmen, they are forced to take matters into their own hands to st
  • 剧本讲述了两个坚强、独立的女性之间的有毒关系的故事,她们看法到自己在这个世界上是孤独的:比阿特丽斯,她显然曾经完成了她方案做的一切; 还有索菲亚,她以为自己曾经预备好不惜一切代价取得她以为自己应得的生活。
  • Thescreenplaytellsthestoryofthetoxicrelationshipbetweentwostrong,independentwomenwhoareawarethattheyarealoneintheworld:Beatriz,whohasapparentlyachievedeverythinginlifethatshesetouttodo;andSofía,whothi
  • The first installment of a planned trilogy, director Francisco Laresgoiti's speculative sci-fi thriller finds the son of a powerful general caught in the middle of a raging class war between the p
  • The first installment of a planned trilogy, director Francisco Laresgoiti's speculative sci-fi thriller finds the son of a powerful general caught in the middle of a raging class war between the privi
  • 尤金妮亚(ClaudetteMaillé饰)曾经是乐坛里无足轻重的风云人物,但是如今身患癌症的她只能卧病在床,整个家庭的重担落在了儿子塞巴斯蒂安(昂黑尔·欧内西莫·内瓦雷斯ÁngelOnésimoNevárez饰)和女儿海伦娜(艾琳·阿苏埃拉IreneAzuela饰)的肩上。塞巴斯蒂安和伊斯梅尔(RamónValdés饰)感情十分要好,虽然伊斯梅尔在学校里向来横行霸道,却唯独对塞巴斯蒂安关心备至。
  • 雷梅迪奧斯的丈夫皮耶羅獲得了普立茲克建築獎,就在她興高采烈為他準備慶祝派對的早晨,雷梅迪奧斯發現了皮耶羅長期偷吃外遇對象的事實,悲憤之餘的她不测射殺了皮耶羅雷梅迪奧斯該如何面對接下來陸續上門的園丁、來訪記者、回家兒女、瘋狂不受控的妹妹,以及企圖揭發真相的小三?
  • 1985年,在西班牙的一个沿海小镇上,一群小同伴Koldo,Tito,Eugenio以及Moni一次偶然的机遇在树林里的一个圈套里发现一个装扮成圣诞老人容貌的女人.当2个孩子们去警察局求助时,剩下的则找来一根绳子希图将这不幸的女人从洞中救出.但是那2个孩子在警察局惊讶的发现该女子正是被通缉的窃取了200万现金的银行抢匪RebecaExpósito.于是孩子们便坚持了救她的念头,把她留