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  • Part 2 of 2. In Patagonia, Bear skins a hare, scales a cliff, tracks a puma, drinks dirty water, and crosses the Perito Moreno glacier, a vast frozen labyrinth of ice caves and crevasses.
  • Bear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor-sharp sawg
  • Some of the most horrifying creatures on the planet are ones that are too small to see! Get a glimpse of these monsters in the new show "Monsters Inside Me" , premiering Wednesday, July 1 at
  • 玛雅日历转盘曾预测在公元2012年12月21号,将有一颗外太空盛行撞击地球消灭世界,同时世界各地核子发作爆炸,地球将堕入灭顶之灾。 2012世界某日同时被宗教范围、迷信范围以及预言界预测过。一些伟大的预言学者,宗教典籍和迷信证据都纷繁不约而同的指向2012可以得世界某日这一点上。 在这里我们将剖析2012世界末日这个实践和预言,看看终究是谁或许哪种组织将会潜在的构成全球的消灭战争?自然界的哪种
  •  Bear drops into the swamps of Florida"s Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor
  • Discovery频道真人秀节目,曾退役于英国特种部队的求生专家贝尔·格里尔斯每集被空降到一处环境恶劣、甚至有致命风险的无人地,如雨林、沙漠、丘陵、冰原等,浑身只携带一点粗陋工具,由摄影小组全程记载他的整个逃生进程他会应用各种求生技巧,包括判别方向、寻觅水源、获取食物等等,我们可以惊异地看着贝尔大啖蛆、生肉、昆虫、爬虫,如何应用自己的尿液,如何用木棍击杀野兔,如何对立烈日、寻觅夜间藏
  •   Part 2 of 2. In Patagonia, Bear skins a hare, scales a cliff, tracks a puma, drinks dirty water, and crosses the Perito Moreno glacier, a vast frozen labyrinth of ice caves and crevasses
  • 如何打破严酷罪犯、肉体病患及病态说谎者的心防,以侦办缺乏鑑识证据的案件?   侦讯迷信 Science of Interrogation   该如何打破严酷罪犯、肉体病患以及病态说谎者的心防,以侦办缺乏鑑识证据的案件?罪犯侦讯的风险向来极高,倘若出了过失,杀人犯将有可以继续杀人,无辜的百姓也可以因此入狱,这是终极的猫捉老鼠,什么是侦讯迷信?它有什么关键技巧?这些技巧是如何协助警