
  • In prison for killing his nemesis, Patrick Jane must prove that the man he shot really was Red John. Meanwhile, Lisbon urges Van Pelt to seek counseling in the aftermath of the death of her fiancé, De
  • 第三季终了时,进入Ruby体内的Lilith将天堂之犬放入屋内,Dean被拖入黑暗的天堂,而就在Lilith想要消灭Sam的时分,隐藏在Sam体内的庞鼎力气将Lilith赶走,Dean能否会平安回到人世和弟弟再次并肩作战?隐藏在Sam体内的庞大微妙力气终究是什么呢?
  • 超感神探 第四季
    In prison for killing his nemesis, Patrick Jane must prove that the man he shot really was Red John. Meanwhile, Lisbon urges Van Pelt to seek counseling in the aftermath of the death of her fiancé, De