
  • 斯蒂芬·汤金森(Stephen Tompkinson)在另外三部令人毛骨悚然的立功故事中饰演顽固而顽强的首席督察艾伦·班克斯(Alan Banks)随着这个系列的末尾,班克斯必需学会应对他的团队发作的庞大变化侦探安妮·卡波特(Annie Cabbot)正在休产假,很快就会被读不懂的海伦·莫顿(Helen Morton)取代。一个新的案件成为集团在奇特的事情,当银行发现他的兄弟罗伊失踪,罗伊的女冤家
  • When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the
  • A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police, led by Natalie Chandler's replacement, the recently promoted Wes L
  • 一场消灭性的洪水招致一个田园乡村小镇的五名外地人丧生,一年后,一个微妙的新工厂出现了这种植物惊人的恢复青春的才干是如此可怕,试图运用它意味着重新评价价值
  • 莉莉•伍德沃德是一个制片人,她制造的电视节目在每周末的上午播出,深受观众的喜欢。有一天,莉莉一醒悟来居然发现和自己最好的异性冤家皮特躺在一张床上,两集团达成分歧,无论之前发作了什么,都相对...#莉莉•伍德沃德是一个制片人,她制造的电视节目在每周末的上午播出,深受观众的喜欢。有一天,莉莉一醒悟来居然发现和自己最好的异性冤家皮特躺在一张床上,两集团达成分歧,无论之前发作了什么,都相对不能影响他们之间
  • A year after a devastating flood has killed five locals in an idyllic country town, a mysterious new plant appears. The plant"s phenomenal ability to restore youth is so formidable that attempting to