
  • After the tremendous popular success of the Fantômas novels, both of the major French film studios — Pathé and Gaumont — vied for the rights to produce films based on the seri
  • 大盗方托马斯(让·马莱 Jean Marais 饰)易容潜入了拉谢里爵士(让-罗歇·科斯西蒙 Jean-Roger Caussimon 饰)家,向在那里聚会的一干富翁收回了杀人预告,方托马斯宣称假定不能在预定的日期之前向他交纳巨额的“生活税”,他就会一个接一个的将富翁们杀死无法之下,拉谢里爵士只得报了警 记者方多(让·马莱 Jean
  • 从小,方托马斯(让•马莱 Jean Marais 饰)就爱搞恶作剧不过,死对头瑞夫警长(路易•德•菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)不时希望抓他归案为了给后者一个下马威,方托马斯绑架了迷信家马尔尚。记者方尔多和未婚妻艾莱娜报道了此事。罗马迷信大会行将召开,为了防止方托马斯前来捣乱,瑞夫警长率领手下末尾了大张旗鼓的搜捕举动。在列车上,方托马斯依托出
  • A beautiful and sophisticated teenager is placed in a regimented French girls" boarding school after her father apparently commits suicide over a business scandal. She immediately gains admirers -- a