
  • Meet Steve, a fame-hungry, self-absorbed comedian on the verge of joining the ‘big league’. When he accidentally kills Mike, a jealous wannabe stand-up comic, he becomes convinced that the man’s ghost
  • Meet Steve, a fame-hungry, self-absorbed comedian on the verge of joining the ‘big league’. When he accidentally kills Mike, a jealous wannabe stand-up comic, he becomes convinced that the man’s ghost
  • 史蒂夫是一个盼望成名,自我陶醉的喜剧演员,行将参与“大联盟”当他不小心杀死了迈克,一个妒忌的想要成为单口喜剧演员,他确信这集团的鬼魂在困扰他他试着冥想来安静他的神经,但是灵魂出窍的阅历让迈克的灵魂控制了他的身体。史蒂夫如今以灵魂的方式存在于自己的身体之外,他只能眼睁睁地看着迈克毁了他的名声,由于他扮演的是自己灾难性的,无趣的单口相声。史蒂夫能否在迈克毁掉他的人际关系,他的经