
  • 幸存者们发现岛上存在微妙修建入口,在杰克(马修·福克斯 Matthew Fox 饰)的率领下中止探求,强迫进入舱门后,发现外面居然有人,且是杰克曾经在事实中有过一面之缘的戴斯蒙德(亨利·伊恩·库斯科 Henry Ian Cusick 饰),似乎看到救星普通,戴斯蒙德留下一串数字密码便跑掉了,而杰克一行则需求接替他的义务——每隔108分钟输入密码以关掉警报在舱门中,幸存者们找到充足食物,也由一卷录影
  • The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s
  • 幸存者们发现岛上存在微妙修建入口,在杰克(马修·福克斯 Matthew Fox 饰)的率领下中止探求,强迫进入舱门后,发现外面居然有人,且是杰克曾经在事实中有过一面之缘的戴斯蒙德(亨利·伊恩·库斯科 Henry Ian Cusick 饰),似乎看到救星普通,戴斯蒙德留下一串数字密码便跑掉了,而杰克一行则需求接替他的义务——每隔108分钟输入密码以关掉警报。在舱门中,幸存者们找到充足食物,也由一卷录
  • Mahesh, a photographer, gets beaten up by a stranger when he tries to solve an issue in his village. He sets out to take revenge on the stranger as he feels insulted after the incident.
  • 一部幽默挖苦的影片,讨论一个严肃的议题:中年夫妻在求子时碰上的困难欧拉奇欧和安娜这对夫妻在步入四十岁之后才方案组织家庭,但这个年岁要生孩子谈何容易,两人得面对各种不如意,官方信仰和迷信,求子的希望最终能否达成?
  • Mahesh, a photographer, gets beaten up by a stranger when he tries to solve an issue in his village. He sets out to take revenge on the stranger as he feels insulted after the incident.
  • The plot revolves around the death of motorists who break a traffic rule at a particular flyover in Hyderabad and the subsequent pinning down of the culprit by an intern journalist and police inspecto