
  • A vegan-goth high school student falls in love with her new English teacher and develops a problematic taste for human flesh.
  • Sophie's 18th birthday party becomes a bloodbath when six terrifying monsters descend upon her house, intent on devouring the party guests and killing anyone who tries to leave. As her school friends
  • A woman searches for her missing son in a remote wilderness with the help of her estranged husband and a Native American friend. When an evil creature starts to hunt them, their journey becomes a figh
  • 爱历来都不是一条平整的路。没有人比卡莉和丽娜更清楚这一点了,在卡莉决议从医学院停学,丽娜失掉了律师的义务后,她们的关系变得更糟。这迫使他们搬到一个汽车旅馆,一个他们都不满意的状况。更蹩脚的是,丽娜和抑郁症的妥协又回来了,卡莉决议用她剩下的钱买一台相机,这样她就可以把摄像作为一种职业。虽然他们的关系末尾出现裂痕,但卡莉和丽娜发誓要修复曾经分裂的关系,无论状况如何,无论机遇有多大。但他们都像自己说的那