
  • Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make some
  • 假设國家不愛我,為國爭光又有何意義?1936年,柏林,德國首辦奧運,種族滅絕亦如火如荼體育打開始跟政治勾結,女子撐竿跳世界第一Gretel是個德國猶太人,美國揚言若德國打壓猶太人,便杯葛奧運,更點名要Gretel出賽。逃亡英國的Gretel頓成納粹黨一枚棋子,雖被急召回國集訓,但國家機器施以種種心身夾擊,更派男扮女裝的Marie挑戰她的代表位置,沒料到敵對關係日久生情。奧運迷看點:撐竿跳古賽制、從
  • Follow the story of a small witch who is determined to be the best witch of the forest and along with her raven Abraxas rolls from the one in the other adventure . From such a little witch you will ne
  • 改编自德国滞销小说。一名年轻女子克拉拉,由于男友过世无走出伤痛,于是不时传简讯给他,未料男友的手机号码,已被一名体育记者马克在运用。两人就在阴错阳差的世界裡,末尾发生了交会…
  • 假定國家不愛我,為國爭光又有何意義?1936年,柏林,德國首辦奧運,種族滅絕亦如火如荼體育打開始跟政治勾結,女子撐竿跳世界第一Gretel是個德國猶太人,美國揚言若德國打壓猶太人,便杯葛奧運,更點名要Gretel出賽逃亡英國的Gretel頓成納粹黨一枚棋子,雖被急召回國集訓,但國家機器施以種種心身夾擊,更派男扮女裝的Marie挑戰她的代表位置,沒料到敵對關係日久生情。奧運迷看點:撐竿跳古賽制、從前
  • Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make some