
  • Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is a Hindu spiritual television drama series which airs on Life OK channel. It premiered on 18 December, 2011 and showcases the story of Lord Shiva, also called as Mahadev. 
  • 神探阿蒙 第三季
    艾德里安·蒙克曾是旧金山警察局出路无量的侦探,他用十分规的方式破获了许多顺手案件,这些阅历被传颂为警界传奇但当妻子不幸遇害后,深受打击的蒙克患上了严重的强迫症,这种肉体疾病令他对日常事物发生了失常的恐惧,他惧怕微生物、人群、高度,甚至牛奶……最终,强迫症令他失掉了任务,而每天的日常生活对他来说也变成了艰难的应战。这些日常应战迫使蒙克雇佣了公家护士莎罗娜-弗莱明,她简直要为他打理每件事, 比如整理"
  • 闹鬼 第一季
     A chilling glimpse into the first-person accounts from people who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar, extraordinary supernatural events and other unexplained phenomenons that continue to haunt them.
  • A mysterious nomad known as the "Artist" practices a dark art form passed down through the generations.
  • Netflix美食+游览纪录剧《来人喂饱Phil》(SomebodyFeedPhil)发布预告,《人人都爱雷蒙德》主创PhilRosenthal赴各国吃+玩,西贡,里斯本,曼谷,特拉维夫,墨西哥城,新奥尔良…好开心!“我到了新中央,看看那里人们吃啥,有时奇观会发作。”1月12日上线。