
  • Rebellious, irreverent wunderkind Gülseren navigates loneliness, love and loss against the current of political turmoil and social change.
  • After an attack renders her blind, Ellen Ashland withdraws from the world to recover. But soon she plunges into paranoia, unable to convince anyone that her assailant has returned to terrorize her by
  • Ali和Zuhal分开了从小生长的孤儿院,初踏足社会便遭遇了一同立功活动,这让他们无法正常的生活,他们寓居的森林也成为了困住他们的孤岛这对少男少女,正在经受这个文明世界带给他们的摧残。
  • 叛逆、不敬的神童Gülseren在政治骚动和社会改造的潮流下,引导孤独、爱与失
  • After an attack renders her blind, Ellen Ashland withdraws from the world to recover. But soon she plunges into paranoia, unable to convince anyone that her assailant has returned to terrorize her by
  • 隐约的炮火声中,镜头走入1999年北约轰炸塞尔维亚时期,卡车司机斯蒂凡诺维奇为赚取更多金钱,从科索沃运送货物到贝尔格莱德,他驾车穿越领土,见证烽烟蹂躏的国度他在路上遇见了一个自称来至贝尔格莱德的年轻人面对这个快冻僵的年轻人,好意的他打破了雇主说的“不许停车”规则,与其结伴而行。影片采用相似公路电影的手法,在阴霾和漫天灰尘的颜色下,像河上泛起的涟漪展现出被轰炸时期的塞尔维亚境