
  • 柏林近郊一間偏远又陰森的療養院,充滿著各種不人道又恐惧的立功歷史一群年輕的YouTuber 合法闖入靈異謠言最恐惧的手術區進行24小時的挑戰,並希望影片會在網路上竄紅全部武裝戴著夜視鏡和溫度探測器,這群不怕死的網紅屁孩們決心要驗證這間荒廢許久的療養院所流傳的各種靈異傳說能否屬實。但他們很快便發現,這棟廢棄的療養院中不是只需他們而已,某種長年存在於此的微妙力气並不歡迎他們,想活著離開這棟療養院似乎為
  • JackWhitehallinviteshisnotoriouslystuffyfatheronstageinLondon#39;sWestEndforaChristmasedyextravaganza,pletewithcelebrityguests.
  • When the mother of his infant son unexpectedly passes away, struggling actor Mark grapples with fatherhood and his inability to grow up. And when he sparks with a single mother, he learns how his choi
  • Two brothers Carmelo and Gino (Girgenti and Webber) are raised by their mob boss grandfather Salvatore Gianni (Williams). Through a series of events Salvatore is killed and the boys then go on a journ
  •  An apocalyptic event known as The Crisis has devastated David's world leaving him to rely on survival tactics learned from childhood. Isolated and alone, David has taken refuge in a tent on the edge
  • Die 15-jhrige Julia, begnadete Klavierspielerin auf einer renommierten Musik-Akademie, verknallt sich in den coolen Hotshot Nick, Lead-Snger der Rockband Rock it. Um mit ihm in seiner Band spielen zu
  • 2002年,客居上海的美国人Dana Showtyme兴办了“Iron Mic”(钢铁麦克)说唱竞赛,参赛选手们在规则时间内自在式即兴说唱,两人对决一人胜出,以现场观众的喝彩声作为评判规范这是历史最悠久的中文说唱竞赛,一代又一代的说唱歌手选择从这里末尾,展现技艺并表达对Hip-hop文明的了解,Iron Mic冠军曾经代表着至高无上的荣誉作为中国最具影响力的Hip-hop活动,Iron Mic见证