
  • 一名落魄的電台女掌管人,突然得知自己繼承了一片位於郊區的土地,並得知每隔20年就會有人在那塊土地上失蹤的恐惧傳聞這項傳聞勾起了她的猎奇心,希望能夠藉此引發話題,讓自己一泻千里的事業能夠步上軌道
  • 一个失败的电台掌管人发现她从一个她历来不知道的家庭那里承袭了威尔士的一所农舍。但这片土地上发作的故事,每20年就有一集团失踪。她下定决计要修复自己的事业,她和冤家们动身去为她的广播节目做最后的发现——但她的发现很可以是她最意想不到的——每隔20年,稻草人就会站起来,而这一次——他在寻觅新娘。
  • After her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself without a career and living as a stay at home wife to a wealthy business man who, over the years, seems t
  • A group of teens are tormented by the Grim Reaper and his pet after undergoing an experiment that allows them to revisit the dead.
  • 卡拉在姊姊过世后,负起了照顾她儿子柯瑞的责任卡拉去找娜娜拿柯瑞的出生证明时,娜娜通知她罪恶牙仙会拔光人牙齿的传说某天一场突如其来的大停电,罪恶牙仙末尾息事宁人。
  • Based on the myth of Frau Perchta, a witch that comes on the 12 days of Christmas taking children each night.