
  • Naomi Vista is an accomplished flautist, with a scholarship to one of the best music academies in the world. Just before her enrollment, both her parents die, throwing Naomi into a pit of despair. At
  • Dangerous Game is a supposed action packed British heist movie. When Chris (Calum Best) gets mixed up with the Russian Mafia and Algerian Gangsters while trying to help his best friend pay off a large
  • 克里斯试图协助他的好冤家还清巨额债务,却反而引来俄罗斯黑手党和阿尔及利亚黑帮的纠缠。走投无路的克里斯决议放手一搏,冒着啷当入狱或失掉生命的风险,策画一场惊天大劫案……