
  • The cast reunite to look back over a decade of such fun, friendship, romance and everything that made millions of fans connect with this unique and very special sitcom.
  •  The cast reunite to look back over a decade of such fun, friendship, romance and everything that made millions of fans connect with this unique and very special sitcom.
  • Miranda(米兰达·哈特 Miranda Hart 饰)是一个身高一米八三、身形魁梧、胃口极佳、经常被人误叫做“sir”的名副其实的女汉子她开了一家半吊子的玩笑商店,请了自己最好的冤家Stevie(萨拉·哈德兰 Sarah Hadland 饰)做店老板。Miranda妈妈最大的愿望就是把芳龄35的女儿嫁出去,积极为她布置各种各样的相亲。事实上,Miranda早就有意中人,他就是帅气矮小又带点憨
  • The cast reunite to look back over a decade of such fun, friendship, romance and everything that made millions of fans connect with this unique and very special sitcom.
  • 故事依据1868年Wilkie Collins的小说改编,18岁的英国少女Rachel Verinder(Terenia Edwards)取得一颗印度大钻石,名字叫做「月亮石」钻石是她叔叔Herncastle上校赠与的——一个在印度退役的糜烂军官。这颗钻石不只无价之宝,还有重要的宗教意义,印度教祭司发誓不惜一切代价夺回它。Rachel计划在自己的生日宴会上用这颗钻石向宾客炫耀,特别是她的表哥Fra
  • 《米兰达》是一部在英国的BBC TWO台播出的情形喜剧,源于一档电台节目“Miranda Hart的玩笑商店”Miranda(米兰达·哈特 Miranda Hart 饰)总是让她妈妈绝望,她对此也无能为力。妈妈每天的义务是一心把她嫁出去,但Miranda的容颜身体即使搭配晚装依然被以为异装癖;参与任何正式的女人说话聚会总是洋相百出时。Miranda运营一家玩笑商店,雇员是她的老冤家娇小可人跟她反差