
  • A veteran soap opera star retires to a beach house with her publicist and partner, but her Early Onset Alzheimer"s will strain the couple"s relationship until they find the strength to redefine themse
  • Set against the beautiful and complex landscapes of post-war Czechoslovakia, Milada Horáková’s true story shook the world and triggered powerful and fervent responses from many nat
  • 14世纪迸发的英法继续逾越百年,法国节节溃退,大局部疆土都被英国占领了就在这个时分,珍妮(米拉•乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)出生在法国的穷乡僻壤中年少起,珍妮就经常看到各种梦想。一次,她看到梦想并依据指示找到了一把剑,当她带着剑回到家时发现家里已遭英军蹂躏。 珍妮知道是上天布置她来捍卫法国。于是她向事前的皇太子查理(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)央求率领一支军