
  • 比安卡(Larisa Oleynik饰)是全校公认的甜心宝贝,可事实上,她甚至未有过一次约会——比安卡的老爸对女儿的管束极尽苛刻,男生们只能对她望而生畏 在女儿的不时抗议下,老爸终于做了“退让”,他声明,比安卡可以约会,只需她的姐姐凯特(Julia Stiles饰)也去听到这个音讯,暗恋比安卡的喀麦隆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt饰)决计无论如何都要找到能和凯特约会的人。千挑万选之下,
  • Vampires have just made themselves public! Now a group of documentarians have been granted access to spend some time with them and learn how they live and coexist with humans. But as reality sets in,
  • 比安卡(Larisa Oleynik饰)是全校公认的甜心宝贝,可事实上,她甚至未有过一次约会——比安卡的老爸对女儿的管束极尽苛刻,男生们只能对她望而生畏   在女儿的不时抗议下,老爸终于做了“退让”,他声明,比安卡可以约会,只需她的姐姐凯特(Julia Stiles饰)也去听到这个音讯,暗恋比安卡的喀麦隆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt饰)决计无论如何都要找到能和凯特约会的人。
  • Vampires have just made themselves public! Now a group of documentarians have been granted access to spend some time with them and learn how they live and coexist with humans. But as reality sets in,