
  • 在英国对印度的殖民统治下,一个叛变的上尉率领一群歹徒经过一系列越来越风险的抢劫展开的举措惊悚大片。
  •  Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers theyll be li
  • 暂无简介
  • Goro,一个立功的谋划者,密谋从罗西尼家族偷走大批的黄金Goro和他的幸运的战士们不知道的是,Rossini的一个主人是一个名叫m.ysgou的人cc训练的本国特工不只需援救人质和黄金,还要援救他危在旦夕的家人。
  • 一部关于传奇F1车神迈克尔·舒马赫的纪录片《舒马赫》将推出。该片已在前期制造中,据称取得了舒马赫家人的全力支持,将有此前从未曝光的视频和资料、与其家人的采访、亲近的赛车同伴和对手的采访等。德国导演MichaelWech(《ResistanceFighters》)和Hanns-BrunoKammertöns执导,RocketScience公司执行制片和做国际发行,DCM做德语区发行,将在#戛纳电影节
  • After being photographed by chance on the way to work one day, Suzie becomes the cover model of Sibylle, a renowned fashion magazine, often referred to as the “Vogue of the East”. As she delves into t
  • At some point in the future the Earth’s ecosystem collapses. A tough 13-year-old called Vesper, whose father is paralysed, tries to get food for them wherever she can. When she finds a mysterious woma
  • 大学里的恐惧传说在历届先生间不时传达,传遍一切班级、系所和校园,关于鬼魂、附身、复仇的故事。代代相传的恐惧校园鬼故事,有彻底失控的迎新恐惧之夜、医学院宿舍的“C号床”传说,还有“旧迷信大楼”那令人毛骨悚然的谣言……
  • A heartbroken ad copywriter living in Lima, Peru, is inspired to write a blog about life as a single woman and is surprised by her website's success.
  • 考古学教授和古董收藏家,Laphin,去跋涉在丛林深处的柬边境有两个导游看到一个新颖的宫殿。他们看到一个疯狂的人,当他看到他们,然后扔下一个小的猴子雕像。他们保管它。他们继续旅游,分开一个村庄,那里的居民都被似乎是植物的东西猛烈地杀害了。他们分开村子遇见了一个饥饿的人。他们和他分享食物,并通知他关于雕像和村庄的事。他正告他们,假定他们继续像是传说中的怪物,名叫“Kong Koy”的猴子盖一个小圣衣