
  • Escape From Kabul, an HBO original documentary featuring never-before-seen footage and exclusive interviews from Afghan citizens, U.S. Marines, and the Taliban during the 2021 withdrawal, premieres Se
  • A woman finds herself locked in a stark room and given challenges.
  • In the wake of a truce between the Nice Side and the Mice Side, the Zooverse has settled into an era of peace. The villainous mouse, Boo Boo Squeal, is determined to violate that peace treaty, and res
  • When given the chance at a fresh-start, a grieving young man and his coked-up stepbrother, must confront a local mafia kingpin and perhaps something even more dangerous - their past.
  • 一个年轻的护理者发现了一个不太可以的喜剧天赋
  • 查尔斯和凯尔是三位专门调查失踪人口案件的公家调查员米奇和她的团队遇到了一个连环杀手,他有三只十分厌恶的宠物,它们喜欢吃人的肉。该小组必需尽一切能够在猎物死亡之前坚持生命并挽救它的下一个猎物。
  • 该影片是由导演詹姆斯·昆德导演的一部关于人生和现代都市生活的电影  正如影片名所说,主人公瑞恩就是一个生活在两个世界中的人。一方面是自己念念不忘的纸醉金迷的生活,另一方面是踏实复杂的事实生活。影片经过两种生活方式的矛盾抵触和对比,来突出人物内心的挣扎和矛盾。
  • When Max, a down on his luck strip club owner, has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, he turns to his wife"s connections for help and hires a hitman to solve the problem once and f
  • 一名电影制造人与一只生活在南非海藻林中的章鱼树立了不寻常的友谊这只植物带他一窥自己的微妙世界,而他则获益良多
  • 关于安娜·卡特来说,这是个不折不扣的恶梦——28岁的她被诊断身患绝症,绚丽多彩的生活瞬间崩塌作为一个儿童基金委员会的主席,她不时努力于改善儿童们的生活,但是如今心灰意冷的她将用重新用异常的目光来看待这个世界。她末尾了另外一种以前自己想都不敢想的生活:以她光鲜的职业作为掩护四处寻觅,以近乎残酷的手腕惩罚那些曾经对儿童犯下不可宽恕的罪行,却又逃脱了法律制裁的罪犯们