
  • 专业摄影师霍利斯在街上随意的拍下了一个女人的照片,却万万没想到费事便因此找上了他,甚至危及到他的性命....
  • After accidentally shipping a crate of nuclear fusion triggers to Malawi, soldiers Floyd and Stu go AWOL. Back in his old home town, Floyd is mistaken as a war hero and swept up in the local mayoral e
  • 《2022大海啸》是2009年泰国上映的一部灾难性电影,涂然诺执导,主演是Prinya Wongsilp该片讲述了2022年,泰国总理戴蓬发布灾难预警法,设立亚洲太平洋预警中心,由总理的心...
  • 1950年代,江南某乡村农业社青年王必好(周志俊 饰)与申小甲(刘桐标 饰)同时爱上突击队人称“布谷鸟”的美丽姑娘童亚男(谢德辉 饰)为取得姑娘芳心,王必益处处讨好协助她,姑娘也渐渐对他发作了好感。而申小甲生性木讷苛刻,把对姑娘的爱藏在心里。童亚男生动开朗,整天与大家说笑唱歌,心胸狭窄的王必好怕芳心他属,竭力阻止任何“情敌”接近亚男。小甲眼看亚男心归必好,强忍丧失,分开突击队去学开拖延机了。结婚将
  • 《Jonas and Amy are two twins who couldn't be more different and sharing a small bedroom means free-spirited Amy and studious Jonas can’t help but get on each other’s nerves. But when a magical dog fin
  • Jonas and Amy are two twins who couldn't be more different and sharing a small bedroom means free-spirited Amy and studious Jonas can’t help but get on each other’s nerves. But when a magical dog find
  • 《Jonas and Amy are two twins who couldn't be more different and sharing a small bedroom means free-spirited Amy and studious Jonas can’t help but get on each other’s nerves. But when a magical dog fin
  • Jonas and Amy are two twins who couldn't be more different and sharing a small bedroom means free-spirited Amy and studious Jonas can’t help but get on each other’s nerves. But when a magical dog find
  • 故事发作在国民革命风起云涌的1927年,风景如画、鸟语花香的湘西山区,外地百姓过着清贫却幸福的生活与乡义勇队长朱子炎(马树超 饰)与土豪许登庵(方辉 饰)家白痴儿子的童养媳茶英妹(罗燕 饰)相恋,但是身为团防局长的许只手遮天,令人不敢随意招惹这一天,子炎阻拦许家的花轿,要阻止这桩买卖婚姻。正在双方争论不下的时分,许登庵陪同共产党特派员何信吾赶来,众人得知此时国共已签署协议,许不只担任收缴全县革命武