
  • LaurenPiercehasjustbecomethehigh-schoolTri-StateArcheryChampion.Afterthecompetition,LaurenandherteammateEmilyreturntotheirhotelroomforanightofirresponsiblecelebratorydrinkingthatgrowsintomore.Wheninte
  • Kyle Cooke is a kind-hearted young boy and a gifted baseball player. When his father, Ted, is laid off and forced to take a low-level job in a new state just to make ends meet, Kyle and his family are
  • 一个流氓刺客正在军事指点人布兰登失掉音讯说,他的父亲就是其中之一他试图清查凶手,发现爸爸不是死亡,看法到他的下级军官正在运用他作为诱饵来追踪杀手
  • The story of several friends in New York City facing financial poverty, homophobia, AIDS, and, of course, rent.
  • It’s Halloween night, and two “bad apples” decide to play some wicked tricks on the one house in a suburban cul-de-sac that is not celebrating Halloween.The pair terrorize a young couple in their home
  • 紐澤西小鎮潛伏著一個神祕的殺人魔,據說他是狂熱的基督徒,總是會在受益者的屍體旁放上一本聖經,警方發現在發現大批的屍體之後開始深化調查,希望能將他繩之以法但是這位連環殺人魔似乎技高一籌,警方無法掌握身分,只能看著越來越多受益者出現,小鎮漸漸被恐懼的陰影所壟罩
  • 曼迪(阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale 饰)是那种她不启齿你相对不会发现其存在的无名小卒,蹩脚的是,她却“量入为出”地迷恋上了学校里的风云人物德鲁(罗比·阿梅尔 Robbie Amell 饰),此外,曼迪还有一个死对头丽萨(辛蒂·巴斯毕 Cindy Busby 饰),丽萨的存在让曼迪一次又一次的看法到自己是多么的微乎其
  • Kyle Cooke is a kind-hearted young boy and a gifted baseball player. When his father, Ted, is laid off and forced to take a low-level job in a new state just to make ends meet, Kyle and his family are
  • 隐藏在金三角毒贩子唐恩少校双方面要给毒品涨价,用武器换毒品的马兹里尼上校决议派去一支队伍,借着送武器的名义打入唐恩防卫严密的地盘,炸毁几个毒品仓库,借此正告唐恩,于是马兹里尼上校找到了雇佣兵中最出色的科尔比少校另一方面为了查出药品管理局里谁在做鸦片生意,卡尔森派特工梅森混入希考克的雇佣兵队伍,让他拿出唐恩存资料的光盘,拿到光盘就能知道谁是特务了威廉姆斯是特工希考克的下级,为了拿到那张光盘,让希考克
  • 她是透過鏡頭記錄人生的知名攝影師,驟失肚裡的孩子讓她撕心裂肺,唯在按下快門時方能喘息;與丈夫拍照的年輕女孩熱情弥漫讓她懷念起多年前的自己,女孩隆起的肚皮與隱形的男友使她再次悲痛欲絕,拖著她到闇黑深淵…