
  • World famous artist Simon moves to Copenhagen to meet up with his son Casper, a street artist, for the very first time. Later Simon finds out that Casper uses the meet as an art project scheduled for
  • 1904年,5.4级地震突袭挪威首都奥斯陆,形成严重伤亡!多年来,挪威仍不时受细规模地震影响但是,地质学专家预测,一场难以防止的巨型地震将会再次发作,今次杀伤力更会远超当年。不过,他们却无法准确估量地震出现的时间,能够会是100年后、10年后、甚至明日…外地震来暂时,众人又能否全身而退?
  • 位于挪威西部的Åknes与Hegguraksla山脉虽然风景怡人,但是山体的不动摇也留下了庞大的平安隐患。一旦山体滑坡,就会形成庞大的海啸。人们早已在为此担忧,直到有一天它终于发作了。山体滑坡形成了高达85米的巨型海啸,行将让挪威从地图上消逝。一名地学家预知了这一切,必需末尾一场和时间的赛跑。
  •  In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil-
  •   In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil
  • 1904年,5.4级地震突袭挪威首都奥斯陆,构成严重伤亡!多年来,挪威仍不时受细规模地震影响。但是,地质学专家预测,一场难以防止的巨型地震将会再次发作,今次杀伤力更会远超当年。不过,他们却无法准确估量地震出现的时间,可以会是100年后、10年后、甚至明日…外地震来暂时,众人又能否全身而退?
  • 30多岁的玛丽是名女迷信家,从事测量任务,任务一丝不苟。刚刚离婚的她将携带一个1000克的基准质量去巴黎休会。在那里她会遇见一个全新的世界。《1001克》2014年多伦多电影节巨匠单元首映。挪威导演本特·哈默曾以《厨房故事》《奥霍顿》2部电影申奥,都未能取得提名。挪威的3部候选名单见豆列留言。
  • 1904年,5.4级地震突袭挪威首都奥斯陆,构成严重伤亡!多年来,挪威仍不时受细规模地震影响但是,地质学专家预测,一场难以防止的巨型地震将会再次发作,今次杀伤力更会远超当年不过,他们却无法准确估量地震出现的时间,可以会是100年后、10年后、甚至明日…外地震来暂时,众人又能否全身而退?
  • In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil-
  • In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil-